Curriculum Vitae
Prof. em Dr. Jürgen Zimmer
Professor emeritus of Educational Science at the Freie Universitaet (Free University) Berlin
Co-founder of School for Life Chiang Mai, Thailand and President of the School for Life Foundation
Professor of Educational Science at the Free University of Berlin with focus on international and intercultural education, early childhood education, community education, entrepreneurship education, curriculum theory and development
Scientific Counsellor and Professor of Educational Science at the University of Muenster
Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung (Max-Planck Institute for Educational Research) in Berlin
Founder of the Institute for Intercultural Education at the Free University of Berlin
Founder, President and main shareholder of the International Academy for Innovative Education, Psychology and Economy (INA gGbmH), until 2014 linked with Freie Universitaet (Free University) of Berlin
Director of the Pre-School Education Department of the Deutsches Jugendinstitut (German Youth Institute) in Munich, planning and monitoring the nationwide reform of kindergartens
Executive Director of Education at the Beluga School for Life in Phang Nga / Thailand
Consultant of Hanseatic School for Life in Phang Nga/ Thailand
Guest Professorships at the Universities of Tübingen in Germany and São Paulo in Brazil
President of the International Community Education Association that was represented in more than 60 Countries and accredited to UNESCO (ICEA "in operational relations with UNESCO")
Head of the Department of Education at the Hamburg weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" (The Time)
Supervision of the development of intercultural kindergartens and primary schools in West Berlin
Head of the project "Kindersituationen" involved in educational reform of kindergartens and day nurseries in the five former East German States of the Federal Republic of Germany and the eastern part of Berlin, financed by the German Federal Government and the States
Head of a project reforming colleges for kindergarten teachers in the states Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern supported by the German Federal Government
Consulting and project work in countries of Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe with special attention to:
• Early childhood education in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Philippines, Ghana, Nicaragua, Greece, Italy and Croatia
• Cultural heritage and economics in Thailand (ethnic minorities) and Brazil (People of Guarani)
• Productive community schools in Nigeria, Argentine, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand
• Youth at risk in Mexico, Uruguay, Argentine, Columbia
• Community schools in Austria and Germany
• Intercultural and anti-racist education in Brazil (Movimento Negro) and Germany (migrants and immigrants)
• Re-forestation in India (Darjeeling)
• Educational planning (conference in Berlin) for " Education in Transition - Education for a Post-Apartheid Society " in South Africa
Moderating a dialogue between representatives from China and Hong Kong towards the 1997–integration of the Hong Kong education system
Consultant for the Thai National Education Commission for the development of Entrepreneurial Schools in Thailand
Consultant of the Volkswagen Foundation, Freudenberg Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Schmitz Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Shaul and Hilde Robinsohn Foundation
Consultant of the Council of Europe
Consultant of OECD / CERI
Consultant of United Nations / Education Forum
Consultant of Deutscher Bildungsrat (German Education Council)
Director for International Affairs of the Rural and Social Management Institute (RASMI) in Bangkok / Thailand
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Hermann Lietz-Schule (Hermann Lietz Boarding School) Spiekeroog and of the High Seas High School
Member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum
Member of the Academic Board and President of Carl Benz Academy in Beijing
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Instituto Paulo Freire, São Paulo / Brazil, San José / Costa Rica, Los Angeles / USA
Co-founder and member of the Board of the Existenzgruender-Institut e.V. Berlin (Institute for Entrepreneurship Berlin)
Member of the German UNESCO Commission
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Berlin-Potsdam International School
Member of Supervisory Board of the Louisenlund Boarding School
PhD at the Free University of Berlin, Education Science ("summa cum laude")
Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (Foundation of the German people for gifted students)
Studies of psychology, educational science and law at the universities in Hamburg, Freiburg and Muenchen, Diploma in Psychology
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Joseph Victor von Scheffel Prize of Literarische Gesellschaft (Literary Society), Karlsruhe
Award of the Ministry of Education Baden-Wuerttemberg
Award for Education Innovation of Pfaff Foundation
Prof. Ramlal Parikh Award of the International Community Education Association